
Work with me! If you are interested in working with me or would like to discuss ideas for collaborations, projects or events, please do get in touch.
Thank you!

Workshops and Learning

I have experience of leading and collaborating on workshops and sessions for organisations, conferences or short courses in both academic and informal contexts, both online and in person. I can offer learning on a variety of topics relating to my areas of knowledge and expertise.

Public Talks & Lectures

I have been invited to give public talks, annual lectures and join panel discussions at various festivals, conferences and events.

Collaboration and Creative Production

I have organised and collaborated on events, projects, exhibitions, conferences and gatherings in cutural, academic, educational and activist contexts. My events combine hopeful and radical ideas with communal and convivial cultural experience.


I have experience of hosting and facilitating conferences and gatherings in a variety of contexts. I can run Open Space days, World Café and Offers and Needs Markets (0ANM) as part of organisational development, networking or communinty building events.

Fieldwork and Fieldwork Training

I am a formally trained ethnologist with expertise in the ethics and practice of fieldwork collecting and recording. I can offer training and mentorship on how to make field recordings and how these can be used to develop educational and creative projects. see more

Hosting and Chairing

I have experience of hosting events, gatherings and conferences and chairing panel discussions on a variety of topics. My chairing is relaxed, responsive and well-informed.