Enough! & Centre for Human Ecology Online Short Course: Degrowth in Scotland

Involved in the development and delivery of a new online short course, read more here

New Online Short Course
6 Weeks Running 6 Oct – 10 Nov 2020
Tuesday evenings, 6:30pm – 8:30pm

Enough! and the Centre for Human Ecology are offering an online short course (delivered via Zoom) which will introduce participants to the historic gains and problems of economic growth and the principles of degrowth and ecological economics. The course will discuss different frameworks for an economics of radical sufficiency – meeting fundamental human needs and promoting new rhythms and ways of working for a more just and sustainable world.

The course will also introduce exciting new ideas and projects which promote the flourishing of degrowth principles in a Scottish context

The course will not be assessed, although course participants will receive a certificate of completion from the Centre for Human EcologyAll participants will be asked to practically engage with the course material by forming peer learning groups and to undertake an inquiry of an area in their life and work which engages with principles of degrowth. They will be asked to present their findings back to the group in the last session.


Week 1: Economic Growth, its History, Gains & Problems
Week 2: Introducing Degrowth Principles
Week 3: Rhythms of Time and Work
Week 4: Degrowth in Scotland: Ideas and Practice
Week 5: Living Regrowth: Human Flourishing
Week 6: Participant Presentations

Participants will receive a handbook with recommended readings. Every session includes a short introduction to read before the live class alongside one or two fundamental introductory readings. For those who want to engage further, additional in-depth readings and extra resources will be provided.

Handbook sections can be downloaded via the Centre for Human Ecology website.

My main contribution was to write Section IV Degrowth in Scotland: Ideas and Practice.

Contributors: Lorenzo VelottiLuke DevlinDr Mairi McFadyenMartin Krobath & Dr Svenja Meyerricks. Lorenzo Velotti was involved in the postponed UK Degrowth Summer School 2020 and Martin Krobath has contributed teaching and learning to the European Degrowth Summer Schools.


Highland Youth Arts Hub (HIYAH) 'Creative In Your Community' Project, Creative Conversations


Tobar an Dualchais: Ceanglaichean Cruthachail - Online Short Course, Sabhal Mòr Ostaig