Tobar an Dualchais: Ceanglaichean Cruthachail - Online Short Course, Sabhal Mòr Ostaig

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Tobar an Dualchais: Ceanglaichean Cruthachail

’S e Tobar an Dualchais ~ Kist o Riches an cruinneachadh air-loidhne as motha de chlàraidhean-fuaim ann an Alba, le suas ri 50,000 clàradh, a’ gabhail a-staigh òrain, ceòl, eachdraidh, bàrdachd, cleachdaidhean agus sgeulachdan a chaidh a thogail ann an Alba bho na 1930an suas.

Tha an cùrsa trì-latha seo a’ tabhann a’ chothruim do dhuine sam bith aig a bheil ùidh ann an dualchas sònraichte na h-Alba – luchd-ealain lèirsinneach, sgrìobhadairean, ceòladairean, luchd-rannsachaidh ùr beul-aithris agus luchd-teagaisg cruthachail nam measg – barrachd ionnsachadh mun ghoireas air-loidhne seo, cò rinn na clàraidhean agus carson, agus an luach a th’ annta dhuinn san latha an-diugh.

Cuiridh luchd-com-pàirt eòlas air cuid dhe na seanchaidhean mòra a th’ anns an tasglann am pailteas, agus thèid an deisealachadh airson an goireas a rannsachadh gu h-èifeachdach agus le barrachd tuigse. Thèid an cùrsa a lìbhrigeadh tro mheadhan na Beurla ach bidh e a’ coimhead air nithean dlùth-cheangailte ris a’ Ghàidhlig agus Albais cho math ris a’ Bheurla, le eisimpleirean de dhualchainntean ionadail a tha glèidhte anns na clàraidhean nam measg. ’S e sàr sgoilearan agus luchd-ealain a tha mion-eòlach air na clàraidhean a bhios a’ lìbhrigeadh a’ chùrsa, leithid an Dr Mairi McFadyen, Raghnaid Sandilands agus an Dr Dòmhnall Uilleam Stiùbhart. Bidh iadsan a’ cuideachadh luchd-com-pàirt ann a bhith a’ rannsachadh nan cothroman a dh’fhaodadh a bhith an lùib a’ ghoireis bho dhiofar sheallaidhean, a’ gabhail a-staigh cruthachalachd ionadail, eag-eòlas cultarail agus mothachadh àrainneachd.

Anns a’ chùrsa seo bidh cuideam air com-pàirteachadh cruthachail. Bidh luchd-com-pàirt air am brosnachadh gu bhith a’ smaointinn air mar a tha na clàraidhean a’ toirt buaidh orra, agus gheibh iad dòighean agus misneachadh gus tòiseachadh air faighinn a-mach dè na cothroman a dh’fhaodadh a bhith ann don obair aca fhèin – co-dhiù ’s e pròiseact coimhearsnachd ionadail, obair ealain, pìos sgrìobhaidh no taisbeanadh ciùil a bhios ann.

Tobar an Dualchais: Creative Connections (Online Short Course):

Tobar an Dualchais/Kist o Riches is Scotland’s largest online collection of sound recordings, consisting of up to 50,000 recordings of songs, music, history, poetry, traditions and stories collected from across Scotland from the 1930s onwards.

This three-day online course offers anyone with an interest in Scotland’s unique cultural heritage – including visual artists, writers, musicians, budding-folklorists and creative educators – an opportunity to learn more about the online resource, why the material was collected and by whom, and how and why it is of value today.

Participants will be introduced to some of the many important tradition bearers whose recordings populate the archives and be given the tools to explore the material with greater efficiency and understanding. The course will be in English but will discuss themes intrinsically linked to Gaelic, Scots and English, including examples of local dialects preserved in some of the recordings. The course will be delivered by leading scholars and creative practitioners who have extensive experience with the material, including Dr Mairi McFadyen, Raghnaid Sandilands and Dr Dòmhnall Uilleam Stiùbhart, and who will help participants explore the potential of the online resource through various lenses, including local creativity, cultural ecology and environmental awareness.

The course will emphasise creative engagement. Participants will be encouraged to think about their own creative responses to the material and will be given the tools and inspiration required to begin exploring possibilities for their own work - whether a community-based project, artwork, piece of writing or musical performance.


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