Creative Ethnologist in Residence - Dandelion 2022

Dandelion was a creative celebration of growing, music and community. It followed the arc of the growing season, from April to September 2022 – culminating with hundreds of Harvest events across Scotland.

Alongside Steve Byrne and Gary West I was part of a team of three ‘Creative Ethnologists-in-Residence’. We worked collaboratively with Emerging Creative Producers and Musicians-in-Residence across 12 ‘Unexpected Gardens’ in locations across Scotland. Through the creation of resources, we shared knowledge and inspired learning in schools and communities about the heritage, culture and customs relating to the growing season and harvest. We also provided training in citizen fieldwork skills and conducted research and fieldwork interviews.

In Scotland, there are many local harvest themes, celebrations and traditions that are rooted in place but embody universal themes - of cooperation, generosity, reciprocity, fairness, conviviality and stewardship. By sharing and exploring these local examples in both rural and urban contexts, it becomes possible to catalyse conversation about harvest traditions from around the world – and to explore the big questions of cultural identity, belonging and sustainability.

See Dandelion Schools resources

Read article for West Highland Free Press

Listen to ‘Growing with Dandelion’ podcast

Listen to podcast created from material collected at the Harvest Festival at The Field in Alness:


Highland Degrowth Gathering: Offers and Needs Market, The Ceilidh Place, Ullapool


Scottish Artists' Union: Lèirsinn nan Gàidheal / Gaelic Visual Arts