Scottish Artists' Union: Lèirsinn nan Gàidheal / Gaelic Visual Arts

Contributing an online session as part of a new online course for the Scottish Artists’ Union, called Lèirsinn nan Gàidheal / Gaelic Visual Arts. This five-week exploration into Gàidhlig aims to deepen an understanding of Gaelic language, its cultural context and visual representations.

This course is for anyone with an interest in Gaelic, those wishing to broaden their knowledge around Gaelic culture and artists who already use Gaelic within their practice. 

Week by week we will seek to explore and unpick the following questions: Does the Gàidhealtachd have its own art history? Are there Gaelic ways of seeing? How does an understanding of Gaelic shape our reading of the landscapes of Scotland? How are contemporary artists engaging in a Gaelic context today? Why is the history of the Gàidhealtachd important today? What is our relationship with Gaelic language and culture as artists living and working in contemporary Scotland?

Session 3:

Tobar an Dualchais - Working Creatively and Carefully with Archive Material 

Wednesday 2nd February, 10:30am - 12noon, Online via Zoom

In this session, Mairi will give an introduction to the online archive resource Tobar an Dualchais, Scotland’s largest online collection of sound recordings. The majority of material was collected in Gaelic Scotland from the 1930s onwards and includes songs, stories, music, oral history, cultural traditions, custom, belief and ways of life. As a repository of cultural memory, the collection has inspired many contemporary musicians, scholars, writers and visual artists. We encourage you to explore the potential and possibility of engaging creatively with archives in your own work. In our discussions, we reflect on how we can elate sensitively and carefully to material in a Gaelic context - that is, with care.


Creative Ethnologist in Residence - Dandelion 2022


Blas Festival, Òraid: Tobar an Dualchais – Ceanglaichean Cruthachail (Online)