FEARANN / LAND 2, Architecture Fringe 2019, Abriachan Forest
An event curated for the Archictecture Fringe 2019. A day of short talks, workshops and discussion exploring a creative response to contemporary land debates in the Highlands as part of the Fearann / Land project
Alasdair Stephen, architect & director of Dualchas & HebHomes
Max Wiszniewski, Revive: The coalition for grouse moor reform
Creative responses from:
Raghnaid Sandilands, writer, translator, cartographer - on how Gaelic place names invite us to rediscover and reimagine the landscape
Rachel Skene on art as a way of communicating ideas & how visual messaging can impact, engage, create a dialogue, provoke & inspire
Adam J Scarborough, social practice artist - on imagined futures in the context of contemporary land debates in the Highlands. Adam has worked for the Centre for Creative Activism in New York and will share key concepts and tools for creative cultural activism
Hosted by writer & activist Mairi McFadyen
"We believe that the Land Question cannot be seen in isolation, but as part of a wider cultural movement. All politics on its own can do is react or cope with the current situation. Artists imagine new possibilities.
Following on from last year's event, we ask: what is the role of the citizen artist in contemporary land debates here in the Highlands? From ownership to housing to food to climate change, what are the big questions we should be asking? What stories do we need to tell? What stories do we need to challenge? How do we connect, inspire and support each other? How do connect locally, nationally, globally?"
"Tha sinn a’ creidsinn nach fhaigh sibh fuasgladh air Ceist an Fhearainn as aonais an t-sluagh. Cha dèan poileataigs ach dèiligeadh ris an t-suidheachadh mar a dh’ èireas e. Tha an neach-ealain gar cur an cèill: cò sinne agus dè dh’fhaodamaid a dhèanamh? Is sinne a tha cruthachadh cothrom na Fèinne dhuinn fhèin, ann an gach seadh, le bhith a’ tuigsinn gu bheil pàirt riatanach againn fhèin ann a bhith a’ stiùireadh an suidheachadh: tron chultar is tron dualchas. Gabhamaid sealbh air sgeulachdan ar tìre is ar n-àiteachan a-rithist. Cuiridh sinn slighe air dòigh dhuinn fhèin airson an àm ri teachd. Dè na sgeulachdan a ghabhas ceasnachadh? Dè na sgeulachdan a dh’ fheumas sinn ìnnse dha càch a chèile? Ciamar a bhios sinn a’ ceangal, a’ brosnachadh agus a’ toirt taic dha chèile?"
Read more: www.fearann.land/about