Land and Nature in Scotland: Emerging Care Alternatives, School of Innovation and Technology, Glasgow School of Art
Land and Nature in Scotland: Emerging Care Alternatives:
Towards a community of practice for alternative forms of landscape stewardship
Land and Nature in Scotland: Emerging Care Alternatives is an exploratory two-day event, hosted by the School of Innovation and Technology (SIT) at the Glasgow School of Art (GSA). This event’s purpose is twofold: first, to explore the ways in which we care for land, nature and communities in Scotland and emerging alternative care approaches; and second, to consider how collaborative creativity and design might help the most desirable of those alternatives to flourish.
The meeting is a response to the extraordinarily rapid growth and evolution of a rewilding and nature recovery industry in Scotland. Some describe this as the financialisation of nature. Our meeting will explore alternative ways to inhabit and care for the land - with a focus on the practical, not the theoretical.
Among these alternatives, we ask:
How do we live on and from land?
How do we nurture reciprocal systems?
What do regenerative lives, lifestyles and livelihoods look like?
What works, and how might we create the enabling conditions for them to thrive?
Alongside my collaborator Raghnaid Sandilands we contributed to discussions on ‘Reciprocal Approaches to Landscape’ from a cutlural perspective, slides here.
Read the event report here