SHOORMAL conference - New coasts and shorelines: Shifting sands in the creative economy

The Centre for Rural Creativity at Shetland College UHI and Shetland Arts Development Agency invited creative practitioners, researchers, professionals and arts organisations explore, debate and celebrate creative practice and collaboration in the creative economy as part of the SHOORMAL conference, Wednesday 18th to Saturday 21st September 2019. Read more

Participating on behalf of Heriot-Watt’s Intercultural Research Centre (IRC), I joined Professor Ullrich Kockel to co-deliver a workshop titled ‘Reclaiming the Commons and the Creative Economy: Waterscape Perspectives’. We discussed the potential of creative commoning, sharing ways of freeing our making, doing and being from enclosures — figurative, physical, economical, colonial — and asking, ‘what sustains’?

How can we strike off in new directions when the basic patterns of capitalism constantly inhabit our lives and consciousness, eroding what we have in common?

In our work and practice, where do we find the impulse and catalyst to strike and kindle sparks of change, creativity and transformation?

How do we resist and reclaim our lives, our communities, our planet?

The commons of reality is a matrix of relationships through which creative aliveness is unfolding...
an ontology of relations that is at the same time existential, economic an ecological
— Andreas Weber, Patterns of Commoning


Glasgow Women's Library: Take One Action Film Festival