Enough! a Scottish response to our social, economic and ecological crises

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Since April 2018 I have been part of a group of nine individuals from across Scotland who are connected into different forms of activism and social change. We have been meeting to develop project ideas in response to the frames of Degrowth and Deep Adaptation.

Enough! is a belief, a response and a call to action: a Scottish response to our social, economic and ecological crises. We believe that inequality, oppression, injustice, power and ecological breakdown are all connected by the same story: that the economy must keep growing – no what matter what the cost. We believe that growing our economy is costing us our future. Read our positioning statement

Through our various strands of work, we seek to strategically build relationships with and between groups and individuals who are explicitly challenging and exploring alternatives to capitalism, focused on issues of equity and oppression and/or who are environmentally focused in order to help demonstrate and make as visible as possible the interconnected nature of all these challenges.

Read more on our website


Architecture Fringe 2019: Reclaiming the Commons at The Shieling Project


'Shieling: Building Community Spaces', Shieldfield, Newcastle