Traditional Arts, Outdoor Learning & Learning for Sustainability Day: The Shieling Project

A day of shared learning bringing together teachers, educators, tutors and practitioners working in Traditional Arts education, Outdoor Learning and Learning for Sustainability in the Highlands, asking: What can we learn from each other? 

With talks, workshops and activities from staff at The Shieling Project, Margaret Bennett, Roddy MacLean/Ruairidh MacIlleathain, Raghnaid Sandilands (Fèis Farr) and Rachael Duff (Fèis Rois). Following the day’s activities, we hosted a traditional cèilidh with special guest performances at from Brian Ó hEadhra | Fiona Mackenzie, sharing music from their new album, ‘Tìr: Highland Life and Lore.’

Download welcome presentation 


SHORE: How We See The Sea, Invisible Dust


LOCAL VOICES CIC: Giving Voice? Facilitating Social and Community Resilience, SIEF Summer School 2018