The People’s Parish (TRACS)
As part of my work with TRACS (Traditional Arts & Culture Scotland), I designed and created the People’s Parish website. This includes resources for fieldworkers and local community groups.
The aim of the People's Parish is to inspire and support creative neighbourhood projects in each of Scotland's 871 civil parishes, connecting local stories, traditions and cultural memory with the distinct local voices, culture and creativity of our places today.
The civil parish is offered as a useful starting point to describe the scale at which people feel a sense of familiarity, ownership and belonging.
The inspiration for the People's Parish came from the old Statistical Account of Scotland, which began over two hundred years ago at the close of the 18th century. In the 21st century, we believe that the story of Scotland's places should be told not by a few professionals or central institutions, but by the people who live and work in these places,
on their own terms.