Scotland's Futures: Reconciling the Narratives, Scottish Storytelling Centre

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Event Description:
We are united by the common objective of a flourishing society but divided by differing ideas of what that looks like and how we might achieve it. Given that 2016 is the Scotland’s Year of Innovation, Architecture & Design, this spring’s Open Table connects with the idea of place as a centre for collective meaning. The day’s discussions will challenge our thinking about how to create better places and explore the possibility of creative, participatory and interdisciplinary responses to civic engagement and the making of place.

Learn from research and design collective Lateral North who have been taking their travelling workshop ‘Possible Scotlands’ to communities across the country, showcasing the potential, opportunities and ambitions of local people in local places, and from artist Deirdre Nelson. Hear panel perspectives - chaired by Emeritus Professor of Lifelong Learning in Glasgow Caledonian University, Jim Gallacher - from Dr. Rami Ousta, CEO of Bemis Scotland; Rev. Kathy Galloway, outgoing head of Christian Aid Scotland; architect and photographer Andy Summers (Robb Mcrae) of Edinburgh College of Art and Architecture Fringe, and from Robin McAlpine, Director of Common Weal.


Outlook: Exploring Geddes in the 21st Century - Planning Aid Scotland Conference 2016


'What is Scotland?' Event, The Saltire Society, University of Edinburgh