National Collective: Artists and Creatives for Scottish Independence


From 2013 - 2015 I was actively involved with the non-party creative cultural campaign for Scottish independence, National Collective. As a volunteer core organiser, I contributed to the organising and programming of both local events and the colourful touring festival Yestival. You can read my contributions to the website here and you can explore the Documenting Yes photographic archive hError! Hyperlink reference not valid..

Fellow organiser Jenny Lindsay and I reflect on our experience of the campaign in the video below, speaking at 'Poetic Politics: Culture and the 2014 Scottish Independence Referendum, One Year On' conference held at the National Library of Scotland and organised by Katie Ailes and Sarah Paterson. Jenny and I from 17 min.

Chris Agee, Jenny Lindsay and Mairi McFadyen, chaired by Sarah Paterson, discuss cultural events organised in the lead up to the 2014 Scottish Independence Referendum at 'Poetic Politics: Culture and the 2014 Scottish Independence Referendum, One Year On'. Held at the National Library of Scotland and organised by Katie Ailes and Sarah Paterson.

Yestival is the centre of National Collective's cultural campaign for independence - a month-long national grassroots touring festival which took place across Scotland in July 2014.